Everyday Burnout Conversations
Everyday Burnout Conversations is an honest podcast sharing the burnout experiences of others from all walks of life. Host, Flic Taylor, is a writer whose passion for burnout arose when she became a mental health writer dealing with severe burnout - and yes, the irony is not lost on her! Enjoy these weekly conversations sharing stories of surviving and thriving, all delightfully wrapped up in epic truths, compassion, and humour.
Everyday Burnout Conversations
The Solo Sessions: How To Calm Your Crimbo Nervous System
It's that time of year when, if we're not careful, we can take our exhaustion and burnout, throw some fairy lights over the top and hose it down with a bottle of Bailey's!
It's imperative we manage our stress and take better care of ourselves, so we don't start the new year with a bucket of burnout tucked under our arms.
As a mental health writer, I've noticed how so many of us know very little about the mechanics of stress and how our nervous system operates.
In this episode, I talk about why our primitive brain and outdated hard wiring go on overdrive this time of year. I explain how our parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system works, and what we can do to help calm it and get back to a place of peace, helping us stave off exhaustion, overwhelm and burnout.
My wish for you after listening to this quickity-quick solo chat is that you begin to take regular moments throughout the day to calm and reset your nervous system.
Set reminders for throughout your day to do:
- Breathwork, meditation
- Yoga, tapping,
- Walk in nature, enjoy some sunshine or fresh air,
- Nap or rest
- Cuddle a pet, cuddle someone you love and trust, enjoy a weighted blanket around your shoulders
- Dance or physically move and shake off the stress-energy
- Turn down the volume on any stimulation, reduce screens, sounds, lights
People I mention in this episode are:
Sarah Tobin Tapping scripts @sarah_tobin
Caroline Meade Meditations @itstimeforme.ie
Kelly Day Meditations @thisiskellyday
Yoga with Adriene (and Benji the dog) @adrienelouise
These episodes are not intended to be medical advice. But if you are struggling, remember YOU matter. I'm a big cheerleader for anyone who seeks the help they need and deserve from a mental health professional.
Please like and subscribe to this podcast if you've enjoyed listening. It truly does help these episodes reach that little further.
Fancy a little more burnout chat? Let's continue the conversation.
Find me on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook
Check out my latest work and discover how you can work one-to-one with me to tackle your burnout at flictaylor.com