Everyday Burnout Conversations
Everyday Burnout Conversations is an honest podcast sharing the burnout experiences of others from all walks of life. Host, Flic Taylor, is a writer whose passion for burnout arose when she became a mental health writer dealing with severe burnout - and yes, the irony is not lost on her! Enjoy these weekly conversations sharing stories of surviving and thriving, all delightfully wrapped up in epic truths, compassion, and humour.
Everyday Burnout Conversations
Antonia Taylor | Burnout 'brinkmanship' + inherited relationships with work
In this episode, I share an everyday burnout conversation with the super lovely and wise, Antonia Taylor.
Antonia, is a PR consultant and business communication expert who helps small businesses and startups develop their brand strategy and storytelling/content strategy.
Antonia shares and talks about the complexities of second-generation immigrant relationships with work and rest and how she is learning to quit dancing the burnout tango.
Also mentioned in this episode:
What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast by Laura Vanderkam
You Are A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero
Journaling and the practice of morning pages.
Find out more in The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Burnt Out by Selina Barker
Help Me by Marianne Power.
Find out more about Marianne and her workshops @marianne_power_writer
Penny Wincer & Ali Millar’s Podcast, Not Too Busy To Write
London Writers Salon @londonwriterssalon
Clover Stroud @cloverstroud
Phil Pallen @philpallen
Helen Perry @_helen_perry
Check out Antonia's brilliant copywriting tips and PR wisdom via her informative Instagram posts and lives featuring industry experts.
Follow Antonia on Instagram @antoniataylorpr
Find out more about Antonia’s work and consultancy
Please note, this podcast is not intended as medical advice. If you're having a tough time or concerned that you're experiencing burnout, then remember YOU matter. Please reach out to your doctor or mental health professional for support and guidance.
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Fancy a little more burnout chat? Let's continue the conversation.
Find me on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook
Check out my latest work and discover how you can work one-to-one with me to tackle your burnout at flictaylor.com